Who We Are

The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey (NFBNJ), an affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind, is an organization that believes in the full capacity of blind people, and has the power, influence, diversity and determination to help transform our dreams into reality. Members work together for a brighter tomorrow by raising expectations so that blind persons can live the life they want.

Who We Are

The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey is a 501c(3) nonprofit volunteer membership organization comprised of blind and interested sighted persons of all ages, their families and friends. Our committed local chapters, committees, groups, programs, projects and well-trained leaders help newly blind people adjust to vision loss, and promote the full participation and integration of blind people in our communities. We bring our collective experiences together to effect change at the state and national level.

What We Do

  • Assist blind persons to acquire the skills of independence
  • Help blind persons to develop confidence in themselves through our many service activities
  • Teach blind persons the skills of leadership through active participation in conventions, chapter meetings, and civic activities
  • Encourage blind seniors to continue their active and meaningful lifestyles
  • Prepare blind students for productive tax-paying careers through academic and training scholarships
  • Inform diabetics about their options for coping with vision loss
  • Support parents and friends of blind children with information about the capabilities of the blind
  • Protect and promote the civil rights of blind persons through public education and legislative action
  • Advocate for policies that eliminate discrimination and guarantee equal access to educational programs and high quality rehabilitation
  • Educate the public through seminars, community activities and our publications