Projects & Programs

Programs & Projects:

Adopt Adaptive Equipment

Linda Melendez, Coordinator
Phone: 908-590-1747
Individuals wishing to donate equipment are matched with individuals requesting certain equipment. Our most popular items are CCTVs (Close Circuit TVs). The donor and the recipient must make their own arrangements for the pick up of equipment.

BELL (Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning) Academy

Mary Jo Partyka, Coordinator
Phone: 609-888-5459
The BELL Academy is a two-week program for visually impaired and blind children ages 4 through 12 who have had minimal exposure to braille. It is also for those who could use more exposure to braille and blindness skills. It is an opportunity for positive role models with our blind mentors, both adults and teens. We have a “braille-rocks” attitude, with fun, games, field trips, and friendships.

Blind Children’s Resource Center

Carol Castellano, Coordinator
Phone: 973-377-0976
The Blind Children’s Resource Center is a collection of items useful for the education and development of blind children.


Jane Degenshein, Coordinator
Phone: 973-736-5785
NFB-NEWSLINE® is a FREE service that allows blind and print disabled individuals to listen to over 500 publications. The New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired is the state’s sponsor.


Lia Stone, Coordinator
Phone: 917-570-3166
Natasha Ishaq, Co-Coordinator
Phone: 609-917-8236
The National Federation of the Blind works to improve opportunities for blind students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. NFB STEM2U, brings nonvisually accessible STEM lessons and activities to blind youth. Students of varying ages across the country will receive instruction from NFB personnel, blind mentors, and expert instructors.

Contact Person:

Affiliate Calendar

Andy Smith, Coordinator
Phone: 732-372-9692
This person is responsible for maintaining the affiliate's calendar of events displayed on

Affiliate Insurance

Linda Melendez
Phone: 908-590-1747
The state affiliate has secured insurance for all state activities, local chapter meetings, and for fundraisers.


Mary Jo Partyka, Coordinator
Phone: 609-888-5459
This person coordinates with the Jacobus tenBroek Library at the national office with having all historical documents for the state affiliate, chapters, committees, and groups archived.

Audio/Visual Team

Mac Biggers
Jason Resnick
Phone: 908-590-1747
These individuals are responsible for managing the affiliate's audio/visual equipment.

DropBox Administrator

Tony Santiago
Phone: 732-947-2429
This individual, under the direction of the affiliate president, is responsible for uploading all affiliate materials to the affiliate’s DropBox account.

PAC (Pre-Authorized Contribution) Plan Coordinator

Linda Melendez, Coordinator
Phone: 908-590-1747
The PAC Plan is a method where individuals or groups of individuals can pre-approve a certain amount of money, as little as $5, each month ($0.17 a day) and have those funds contribute to programs at the National Federation of the Blind. These programs include the distribution of free literature, funding the Free White Cane program, funding the Free Slate and Stylus program, fund legal battles, assisting with the national scholarship programs with funding, and provide free web hosting through


Ryan Stevens

Phone: 856-520-0016

Provides direction to the leaders and members of NFBNJ so that proper procedures are followed during meetings and conference calls.

Social Media Coordinator

Jason Resnick
Phone: 908-590-1747
This individual is responsible for posting any items of interest onto our social media pages.

Technology Advisor

Tony Santiago
Phone: 732-947-2429
This individual advises the state affiliate on all technology related matters.

Vehicle Donation Program

Linda DeBerardinis
Phone: 856-735-5559
The National Federation of the Blind’s Vehicle Donation program accepts almost any vehicle, including cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles. All donations may be eligible for a tax deduction on the donor’s federal income tax return, and the NFB receives an average of $360 for each donated vehicle.


Brian Mackey
Phone: 609-680-8488
The webmaster is responsible for the upkeep of the affiliate site with informative information, to raise expectations and to provide information to the visitor to learn the skills, techniques to live the life you want; blindness is not what holds us back.

White Cane Committee

Ann Marie Harris, Chair
Phone: 856-589-8747
Jane Degenshein, Co-Chair
Phone: 973-736-5785
The national organization provides free white canes, please visit to order your free white cane. After receiving your free white cane, you will receive a welcome email and a follow up call from a member in your area to discuss numerous possibilities to learn the truth about blindness.

Zoom Admin Coordinator

Mac Biggers
Phone: 801-916-9753