The official policy statements of the National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey are established every year with annual resolutions adopted at the state convention.
The resolutions committee meets early during the convention. Each proposed resolution is read, spoken for by the authoring member, considered, and then ultimately withdrawn or recommended for passage or disapproval by the Convention.
Resolution 2021-01: Regarding small vehicles impacting blind pedestrian safety
WHEREAS, small motorized and non-motorized vehicles including but not limited to electric scooters, hoverboards, skateboards, and bicycles are being used increasingly in urban and semi-urban environments; and
WHEREAS, these vehicles are being ridden on sidewalks by both adults and children; and
WHEREAS, these vehicles are either extremely quiet or completely silent, creating a potential hazard for pedestrians, especially those who are blind or have other disabilities that impact their ability to react to such a situation: Now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey in Convention assembled this twelfth day of November, 2021, that this organization call upon the New Jersey Legislature to establish registration requirements, age limits, noise alerts and other operating requirements for the appropriate use of these vehicles so pedestrian safety is ensured.