Legal Coordination Policy

It is the policy of the National Federation of the Blind that any state affiliate or national division is required to seek approval of, and coordinate with, the national President prior to seeking legal actions, governmental complaints, or demand letters using the name of the National Federation of the Blind or any variant thereof. Furthermore, local chapters or divisions within state affiliates will similarly not be permitted to seek legal action on behalf of the organization without prior approval from both the national President and the state affiliate president who will be responsible for coordinating with the national President. State affiliates, national divisions, and local chapters or divisions may not take legal action without approval from the national President and may not commit the resources of the National Federation of the Blind to legal action without approval from the national President. The National Federation of the Blind has the right to approve any attorneys, including the state protection and advocacy organization, used by any state affiliate, national division, or local chapter or division, whether paid for by the National Federation of the Blind or by said affiliate or division. Any unauthorized legal action taken by a local chapter or division, state affiliate, or national division using the name National Federation of the Blind, or any variant thereof, or implying the support of the organization, will be grounds for disciplinary action by the NFB Board of Directors or the National Convention.

Reviewed and Approved by the NFBNJ Board of Directors on: June 11, 2024