2024 NFBNJ State Convention Registration Form

This preregistration form must be submitted by or before 5 PM on October 4th, 2024. All convention attendees who pre-register will benefit from a lower registration fee and an opportunity to purchase food at greatly reduced prices. NO food options can be purchased after pre-registration closes.


You can obtain assistance with online registration by contacting your chapter president or sending an email to nfbnj.convention@gmail.com




The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey reserves the right to cancel any registration not completed and paid for by October 9, 2024.

State Convention Registration
  • If completing through your computer, please use the format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • If completing through a mobile device, please use the format of [country code][area code][next three digits][last four digits]
    example: 14106599314

Consent Agreements

Code of Conduct Agreement:

As an attendee at our convention, you not only represent yourself but also represent our greater organization. We want you to enjoy our time together and to make new friends and renew old acquaintances. Although we encourage members to socialize and have fun, the convention also provides a valuable opportunity to come together to continue the work of our organization, to learn about the important initiatives that we are involved with on local and national levels, and to plan our work for the future.

The National Federation of the Blind seeks to provide a convention environment in which diverse participants, including members, speakers, exhibitors, staff, and volunteers, may learn, network, and enjoy the company of friends and colleagues in an environment of mutual respect and professionalism. We recognize a shared responsibility to create and uphold that atmosphere for the benefit of all. Some behaviors are therefore specifically prohibited:

  • harassment or intimidation based on race, religion, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, physical appearance, or other group identity
  • sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking (physical or virtual), or unsolicited physical contact
  • public drunkenness and associated behaviors (e.g., belligerence, yelling, hostility, destruction of property)

Participants are expected to abide by these rules and behaviors in all convention venues, including online arenas, social media, and social events. Participants who are asked to stop a behavior that the recipient considers hostile or harassing are expected to comply immediately. We are committed to diversity, equity, and the free expression of ideas. Please visit https://nfb.org/code-conduct for more information.

Fragrance Free Policy:

The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey's goal is to be sensitive to members with perfume and chemical sensitivities who, as a result, may suffer potentially serious health consequences. In order to address this concern, members and participants at conventions and other meetings should refrain from wearing scented products, including, but not limited to perfumes, colognes, aftershave lotions, or similar products. We want to ensure full participation in all of our state-wide activities.

Event Fee)s) & Payment

Event Fee(s)
Please enter the quantity of tickets you are purchasing for each meal. All meals containing no animal products (chicken, tuna fish, etc.) are vegan meal choices.
Convention Registration *
Thursday Breakfast Buffet ($16 each)
Friday Breakfast Buffet ($16 each)
Friday Boxed Lunch: Salad ($23 each)
Friday Boxed Lunch: Mesquite Smoked Turkey Breast Sandwich ($23 each)
Friday Boxed Lunch: Tuna Salad on Whole Wheat Bread ($23 each)
Federation Family Meal: Chicken Parm ($50 each)
Federation Family Meal: Vegetarian/Vegan Sweet Potato Tacos ($50 each)
Saturday Breakfast Buffet ($16 each)
Saturday boxed Lunch: Salad ($23 each)
Saturday Boxed Lunch: Mesquite Smoked Turkey Breast Sandwich ($23 each)
Saturday Boxed Lunch: Tuna Salad on Whole Wheat Bread ($23 each)
Banquet: Crispy Chicken Milanese ($50 each)
Banquet: Vegan/Vegetarian ($50 each)
Sunday Breakfast Buffet ($16 each)
Convention Donation